Thursday, April 14, 2005

Fuck you.


Blogger Eric said...

A brilliant first post! Your eloquence and sheer creativity are clearly beyond all equal; this post, for instance, seems to be demonstrative of the overwhelming frustration that one cannot ever truly know anything about the reality in which we exist (due to the stultifying and inescapable limits of human perception) aside from the fact that we do exist in a reality which we can never knowingly perceive. Also, you scare me sometimes =D

Blogger Eric said...

It's really too bad that Justin lacks the motivation and resourcefulness to find his way back here... it would be really funny to see a little comment feud break out on this post. But alas, he has backed out of blogging, although I'm fairly confident that he never meant to enter into it anyway... oh well. Nice comeback, although a good old "I refuse to dignify that with a response" could probably have sufficed.


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