Friday, April 15, 2005

Short And To The Pointless

As we mill about our arbitrarily assigned lives, occasionally in the twisted, bloody montage of humanity, a singular fragment, a lone fraction, a pitiful sole benefactor of this world's most despicable race will step foreward to ask a simple question: "What the Fuck."
During a rather pointless stroll along the collegiate promenade this day, One Such insipidly cynical lone individual who Currently attended the aforementioned College in Question was accosted by a rather purposeful and Seemingly pleasureful feminine member of the opposite sex. Being as This Lone Individual was as antisocial as all the whores of Babylon after a particularly foul bout of Babylonian Syphilis and He had Neglected to pack a loaded firearm as his flippant self had fled from his Rat Hole of a home that Very Morning, he could not Simply shoot the Miss who had so rudely spoken to Him, and so Asked Her why the Fuck she was Talking to him. The response of Yon Harpy was Simply that she Could Not recall at what time and what form the Assignment of Alchemical Homework was To have been assigned and to be due at. Not Wishing to withdraw From His Knapsack what indubitably would take Many Minutes to procure, namely said work, He Proclaimed whatfore He did not take A course of Alchemy, also that The Hell-Hag In question was Idiotic and Oblivious to her own Damned surroundings. Of Course, due to the Lone Individual's Prior Commentaries Within that particular Class regarding that The three Most Popular MOvies having suxxored With Extremeness: LotR, Star Trek, and also Star Wars, He Was Already rather reviled by All The putrid Campus-onians, so This Ugly, grimy Slut of a girl Began bitching for about The Lies that the Lone individual constantly spat upon Her and her slathering colleagues in nothing short of an unending stream. "What The fuck" manifests itself at this point. Are sole benefactors of the Putrescent masses Truley Responsible to Care and cater for the Every minor quandary which befalls all of th0se sickening Thralls and Peons Which crawl upon a potentially virtuous Singular humanitarian Fragment's disturbingly Oversized Feet as he awkwardly Flops his way about His respective towns Swamps Castles Cities Plains and So-Called Shanties? MY counterply to this query Would be Fucking Hell NO asshole.
Thank you, fuck you, and I hope that whoever you are, you are raped repeatedly for days at a time by a pack of AIDS-crazed wolves who then suck on your eyes until you develop fucking blisters spread abreadth the innards of your skullbones.


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