Friday, April 15, 2005

Babies: Just A Choking Hazard for Dingos, or Something More?

I scrape by on a razor's edge of bare tolerance for the basic human shape. What the fuck makes random assholes whom I have previously updated on the fact that their buck-toothed slackjawed rash and sore infested face forces me to reminisque back to the days I hunted inbred moles in my backyard with a Colt that I would ever desire to view their bile-dripping offspring?
Humans are twisted, shambling messes of creatures whose crudely stretched features could only be forged by a sadist with a smidgeon too much time on its hands. Babies are disformed, hairless, lumpy little e-z-break versions of humans, who severely lack any semblance of intelligence, dignity or grace. Many of you mindless fucking idiots love the little shreiking piss and shit machines because deep inside of your misfiring neurons and decaying brain waves, the idea that those worthless peices of crap contain the potential to perform some fantastic acts or give amazing head when they get older really appeals to you. Well guess what? Take a look around, jackass, because who you see surrounding you now is what that tiny fuck is liable to turn into. Not a hot chick who gives fantastic head; rather, if she is indeed hot, the bitch will hate you for being old and creepy. Not a lawyer who fucks vast amounts of people over and returns home to support you, think more along the lines of that balding man with the desparate eyes in the 7-11 who hasn't spoken to his parents since he was fifteen. Those little peices of crap are a dime a dozen, and they aren't hard to make(if you argue, fuck you. And by what exponent is our population rising?). Fuck it. I forgot why I was talking. Anyways, They are a choking hazard for dingos, and that's pretty much it. Next time someone wants you to touch their slimy vomitspawn, or fuck, you want someone to see your beauteous little pile of shit, just Remember, Think of the goddamned Dingos: Because dingo people are people too.


Blogger Eric said...

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Blogger Eric said...

Damn... it's been a couple of days, and yet I still can't think of any comment I could possibly leave for these last two posts. Beautiful stuff, though, man, beautiful stuff.
I couldn't agree more about those poor dingos. Babies should come with warning labels: "DANGER! Rib cages may present choking hazard to dingos." We should notify the surgeon general of Australia, because hey, someone's got to alert the general public... do they even have a surgeon general? Let us hope so...


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