Sunday, May 01, 2005

What Would Jesus Do? If he had too much fucking time on his hands

Jesus Christ!


Blogger Eric said...

Hahaha... and the plot thickens^^
To get technical, wouldn't a Jesus-bot technically count as a Jewish robot? Really, I think a Jewish robot would be just as effective as any other robot... there's just too much anti-semitism in the world of cybernetic enhancement.
Brilliant comic, though, man... I didn't even know this one existed. You should post those other ones, too, on account of they're being fucking hilarious. Maybe you could make one about little Tanto, too.
Long live death metal \m/

Blogger ☭CRUSH you. said...

Curse you Abdulah, never use the double chevrons of eternal demise on civilian channels!
And it appears I don't know that much about the Jewish. It also appears that you know very much about the Jewish... almost... too much... on the other hand perhaps I have just been proven wrong as to the very core of the nature of the Jewish, and so I have no right to judge you. But of course I'm going to judge you nonetheless.
This comic didn't exist until like, late last night, which would explain your lack of knowledge. (but little Tanto is a secret, if the world finds out about Tanto and Skeletor they will judge us both harshly!)

And hello Jennifer!
Hey, I remember you!
Uhhhh... maybe I do. If you are referring to a campfire in the woods, then I remember you. If you're referring to one of my brother's Twister games in the basement, then I have no idea who you are because I avoided those like the slightly interesting, but incredibly painful leprousy plague. Twister = sucks. (Don't argue. You know it's true. It was the precursor to those Dance Dance Revolution machines which have turned the nice dark, molding pits of video arcades into the noisy epileptic traps that they are today.)

Blogger ☭CRUSH you. said...

Wow. Just... wow. In all seriousness, when I wrote "Cool Kids Don't Read Fine Print", I had no idea that anyone would ever take that to heart. The real long thing, in the text box, that you're supposed to read before going in to Ogrish? That kinda sets most people off from actually entering the site, warns them about what kinda stuff they're likely to find. Really, I'm touched that you did take it seriously despite the demeanor of the rest of this blog, but the link name was meant to be sarcasm.
Ogrish's official standing is that everyone should be informed. News found on Tv doesn't show you the bloody reality of situations; it doesn't seem healthy, to me, to cut and paste what you see of reality until it fits what would be o.k. viewing for kids ages 0-8. So, I not only stick by my link to Ogrish, but I think you should link to Ogrish too, and all your friends, 'cuz life without violence just isn't true.

Twister might not be that bad, if you were using it as a way to not-so-subtly hit on someone, but these parties generally involved 3-6 fifteenish year old girls. Being not in the fifteenish age group, and my age making it mildly illegal for me to hit on girls in the fifteenish age group, I didn't like the twister parties. But, a large part of why they happened so often was due to reports (which I will neither confirm nor deny) that the people who were playing twister were drunk off their asses.
Dance Dance Revolution is really kind of disturbed at its core, because like... it's dancing. Which I cannot support unless it's a) in a strip club (because strip clubs keep the bad people from seeking other outlets for their sexual urges) or b) has none of the shiny lights, with really really loud music and is not remotely choreographed and nobody cares at all how good you are. There is occasionally a c) for when you're in a really old movie, they get to dance in ballrooms, but that's kind of different-r, and a d) for if you're really rich and actually own a ballroom.

Blogger ☭CRUSH you. said...

In the old days, they were all really, freakishly sexually repressed in their movies, and the closest they could get to actually having sex was dancing. Well, in the movies at least. I'm pretty sure they had sex outside of movies. Unless... well, I had this theory that everything in the universe was made by this homeless guy a couple blocks down the street a couple weeks ago and he just used his magic powers to convince everyone that stuff had been around a while ago, but then I decided that was unrealistic. Old movies make ya think about that kinda stuff though, don't they? Hm ...maybe it's just me.

Shiny lights are bad because they hurt the eyes. And Abdullah, you can chime in anywhere here, y'damned lurker.

I never watched grapes of wrath, all I know of it is an old thing I saw where it was like a bunch of grapes and this guy going "Here's the grapes. And here's the wrath!" then smashing the grapes with a block and laughing a bunch, I always thought that that was what the movie was about.

This blog is turning into a forum. =( And I'm losing my righteous indignation in favor or calculating reason. Curses!

Blogger Eric said...

Yeah, uh...
I think that you're correct regarding the nature of dancing as far as it's involved in old movies. Back then, it was pretty much the same thing as porn, except that everyone was fully clothed, no one was having sex, and in no way did it involve midgets, farm animals, or slot machines.
Most importantly, shiny lights are terrible, terrible things. For one, they remind me of wretched "sunlight", a terrifying downpour of intense brilliance that is the cause of great pain which I try to avoid at all costs. Fortunately, it is only present "outdoors" or "near windows". Secondly, shiny lights have been known to induce intense seizures in small children, large birds, and the hard of hearing; seizures from which full recovery is not guaranteed and which often result in death.
FACT: if you like shiny lights, you are a fucking murderer and you'll rot/burn in hell for all eternity.
That seems like a long enough chime, so I suppose I'll get back to lurking now...

Blogger Eric said...

Haha! Brilliant pun... you should tell Stephanie.
Although there are a few who disagree, I feel that puns are a perfectly sound form of humor. When one hears a pun, one often instantaneously considers it corny, regardless of its true funniness, since puns are often associated with the weaker jokes of children and the politically correct. Certain puns, however, can be truly hilarious indeed, such as those employed by Shakespeare, and Mitch Hedberg's glorious quasi-pun regarding Dr. Acula.
As far as the homeless person thing... perhaps the best course of action would be to lurk about the shadows slaughtering every hobo, street urchin, or other miscellaneous form of a vagabond that one encounters, in hopes that one might unmake the stultifying reality to which we are forever bound and therefore either prove or disprove Evan's theory of existence. Hey, I wouldn't do it myself, but either of you are welcome to give it a try. Just a thought.
This being the twelfth comment, I feel it safe to finally declare this post a forum. The Jesus-bot forum. That's about it.


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