Saturday, June 18, 2005

My life was touched by an angel. Yeah... a shiny one.

Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that my Christian friend who shall remain unnamed has made me realize how shameful my life should be. Therefore, in my shame, I am remaking my Blog, in a nicer, shinier version of itself, that won't be as violent or sick or angry or anything and will be cute and happy instead. Thank you, Christian friend, you know who you are.

Needless to say, today's post will be altogether different from the other posts I have been making!

As I was walking down the street of portland today, I saw a homeless man pissing on another homeless man. Confused, I asked the first homeless man why he was pissing on the other, and he must have been confused as well, as he began swearing and waving his arms. Never one for violence, I showed him a picture of Jesus which I had tucked into my pocket earlier in the day to ward off witches, and he calmed immediately, saying over and over "daddy" and crying for his sins. Because truley, Jesus is everyone's father, and son, and uncle as well. I love you Jesus. That homeless man did too. I don't know about the other one, he had apparently dranken himself into unconsciousness, but he probably loved you too.

I made a song about Jesus, which can only in small part cover Jesus' holy wonder.

you're so great
I love how you're shiny
in the sky
like a bird
not a plane
you can beat up superman
(drum solo)


Blogger Eric said...

I know I should probably be offended, but when I read this I laughed so hard it was physically painful. It was pitiful... me, alone, sitting at my computer laughing hysterically...
Love the new layout, by the way; it suits you quite nicely, methinks.


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