Thursday, August 11, 2005

I stole this from a dead australian's blog.

1) Single or taken: do i act like a single guy who knows girls only through poorly directed pornography and repeated drunken encounters? ........fuck you.
2) Your Age: 88.
3) Birthday: january 38th, 1922.
4) Hair color: blonde. dirty blonde. dirty, dirty, dirty blonde.
5) Eye color: black, black like the ace of spades or one of those guys that gets the eyedrops that make their eyes dilate and shit.
6) Shoe size: gigantic. so gigantic, you can't even imagine it. i mean, them.
7) Full name: baron von billy bob joe danni-o roberto krudop.
8) What do you think about the person who sent you this? there was no sent. only stolen.

*~* R e l a t i o n s h i p s *~*
1)Do you have a boyfriend? sir i am not a homosexual.
2)Do you have a girlfriend? i have more girlfriends than i have books on my shelf! ... books are overrated anyways.
3)Did you send this to your m8z? ...uh, right.

*~*F a s h i o n S t u f f *~*
1) What is your favorite shop? don't go to shops. buy food from grocery store. steal clothes from homeless people. it all works out.
2) Any tattoos or piercings and if so how many? my tattoos or piercings > your tattoos or piercings.

*~* T h e E x t r a S t u f f *~*
1) Do you do drugs: no sir! not with a probation officer reading my blog!
2) What are you most scared of: that one day i'll find a mouse that's impervious to being smashed. or that someone will replace my heart with a watch while i sleep, because i HATE watches.
3) What are you listening to right now: the neighbor's cat yowling outside. one day i will kill that cat. and i will feel no remorse.
4) Who was the last person you called? i don't call people, they call me, except eric because he hates it when i call him.
5) Where do you want to get married? over my dead body. i don't want to get married when did it become mandatory, you assholes.
6) How many MSN contacts do you have? 0, nobody likes me. haha, no really, i don't use msn because instant messagers suck.

1) Colour: black, black like a midget's soul.
2) Food: tastey babies. but you know what they say, if the baby's gone bad, feed it to the dogs (because if you eat a baby that has gone bad you will be as bad as the baby was... also it gives you dysentery).
3) Boy's names: gorhak, stabbity stabinson, dirty joe, eric the prostidude, (the) whoremaster.
4) Girls names: slutty mcslutalot, whorey o'streethooker, tits mcgee, sexy bangsallnite, lady cunnilingus, anita dick, lillianjamesravenwood, alotta vagina.
5) Subject: sex ed.
6) Animal: a sexy one. that kills stuff alot. like a marmot. or a seal. a sexy sexy seal.
7) Sportz: it's spelled with an 's', fuckass. cagefighting, cockfighting, and bare knuckle boxing (to the death!).
8) Music: my music > your music.
9) Phrase: "Smoke Cigarettes."

*~*H a v e Y o u E v e r *~*
1) Given anyone a bath: yes. no. i'm not sure, do i count?
2) Bungee jumped: i've shoved/dropped people off really high things... i think that counts.
3) Broken the law: me?! never!!! i like the law, it protects me from families seeking retribution for my crimes.
4) Made yourself throw-up: haven't we all, haven't we all.
5) Ever been in love: yes. our love is solid and true, up until the second she pops or deflates for no apparent reason.

*~*W h a t Y o u L o o k F o r I n B o y s *~*
1) boxers or pants? pants. definetely pants.
2) long or short hair? people with really long hair are usually hippies. dirty, dirty hippies.
3) jewelry or none? none.
4) keeps to himself or cnt keep his hands of u? every time you touch me, an angel douses itself in gasoline.
5) enjoys music? you will listen to my music or i will cut you! cut you up good!
6) artistic? art is creepy.
7) different? if you mean 'touches himself in public', no. if you mean 'doesnt give me that look every time i come home with my shirt washed in blood', yes.
8) watches porn? depends what he's doing in front of it. 'get a room' comes to mind.

*~* W h a t Y o u L o o k F o r I n G i r l s *~*
1) underwear or pants? neither?
2) long or short hair? depends, some girls can pull off short hair but most just end up looking like guys.
3) jewelry or none? lots, so i can steal & sell it!
4) keeps to herself or cant keep her hands off u? try 'all tied up. and gagged. and nobody knows where she is.'
5) enjoys music? you will listen to my music or i will cut you! cut you up good!
6) artistic? art is creepy.
7) different? if you mean 'crazily strong and better than most magicians at escaping bonds', no. if you mean 'doesnt scream when i tell her not to scream or ill have to kill her', yes.
8) watches porn? ye... no? that's a tricky one. i guess if it's porn that i directed/filmed/starred in, yes.

*~* F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s *~*
1) Pizza or chocolate: both, fuck you.
2) How many people are you sending this to? none. i don't send people this kind of shit.
3) Who will send it back: maybe mister children will take it. if he doesn't i will raze his land and set his house and family aflame.
4) Gold or Silver? depends on what kind of security we're looking at.
5) What was the last film you saw? i'm not sure... it had a bunch of guys fighting each other then this one guy was all "i will beat you!" and the other guy looked at him dramatically then ran off then the other guys were still fighting and the guy ran up the hill and the other guy was all "hahaha" and the chasing guy was all "huh?" then these bolders fell! and i was like "no way! run for it man!" and theguy was just staring at the boulders and i was like "lame!" then the other guy kept running up the hill and this kinda hot girl grabbed the guy and was all "you have to watch out" then they were getting kinky and then the bad guy came in and it was all like "hahaha!" and the other guy was all "dammit!" and the bad guy was all "now i will get kinky with her! she is kinda hot, haha!" then the bad guy ran off with the kinda hot chick and then the good guy got shot or something and the bad guy was in his hideout and the good guy had wrastled himself up some pterodons or something (i'm not sure how i kinda fell asleep partway through...) but then the bad guy was like "not pterodons or something similar!" and the good guy jumped down and landed on a bad guy but then the main bad guy shot the good guy again and he was all "dumbass." and the good guy was all "there is a gaping hole in my chest." and the kinda hot girl was all "well shit." and the bad guy was all "now let's get kinky kinda hot chick!" and the girl was all "sure" and the good guy was all bleeding to death, it was kinda cool....


Blogger Eric said...

Hmmm... I suppose I can take this, sometime. But don't get your hopes up.
And hey... you modified this since we last talked. Made it less funny. That not good. But it still funny. So that okay. FOr now. Yeah.

Blogger LillianJamesRavenwood said...

I would take this if I wasn't so tired right now. So I think I'll go to sleep instead. Another time...
Lillianjamesravenwood is SO the best girls name. And the best boy name has to be Joe Bob Danni-o or {the} Evan.

Blogger FRITZ said...

I like Tits McGee, myself. And as a responsible government employee who doesn't give a RAT'S ASS about your all the drugs you want. Just don't blame me if you croak or something.
But for the love of God or all that is Nihilist, don't do meth. Unless you like black teeth to match your hair.
But you know, people at work think I worship Satan because I only wear black and had black hair extensions and like anything black including MC Hammer...

Blogger ☭CRUSH you. said...

whee, I can do drugs and the government doesn't care! Well, a probation officer doesn't care. But really, isn't a single probation officer the same thing as the entire government?

Didn't plan on meth, actually. I think drugs are silly, except for resale purposes. Don't do drugs, kids! They'll warp your brain. And give you bad skin. And with your acne, you really don't need that. Now wash your faces, you obsessive-compulsive sex-crazed stagetory rape victims in the making!

Hey wait, my hair's not black, it's dirty dirty blonde.
I'm not generally wearing all black, but I have to admit black clothes go with pretty much anything.
I wonder what religion people usually think I've got?

Blogger LillianJamesRavenwood said...

) Single or taken: single
2) Your Age: 16... for some number of days.
3) Birthday: soon!
4) Hair color:'s confused right now. Orangey
5) Eye color: blue or green.
6) Shoe size: 9
7) Full name: Lillian James Ravenwood
8) What do you think about the person who sent you this? He's the coolest, duh. Even though it wasn't actually sent...

*~* R e l a t i o n s h i p s *~*
1)Do you have a boyfriend? nope
2)Do you have a girlfriend? ha, you have more girlfriends than books eh? That reminds me of my friends pin, "I get checked out more than a book at a library.". No girlfriend here.
3)Did you send this to your m8z? nope

*~*F a s h i o n S t u f f *~*
1) What is your favorite shop? anywhere
2) Any tattoos or piercings and if so how many? ears. 4, use 2.

*~* T h e E x t r a S t u f f *~*
1) Do you do drugs: no
2) What are you most scared of: spiders, drowning, water, dying, fear
3) What are you listening to right now: a pass margo cd!
4) Who was the last person you called? parents to pick me up from work.
5) Where do you want to get married? where?? umm...not the beach. Not any crazy place. Like...elope at a justice of peace or something...
6) How many MSN contacts do you have? too many. like 40 or 50. I talk to like 3 of them.

1) Colour: yellow!
2) Food: definitely not taco time or a & w.
3) Boy's names: {the} Evan, Joe Bob Danni-o, Adrien
4) Girls names: lillian james ravenwood, lilly
5) Subject: math
6) Animal: nothing slimy or scaly.
7) Sportz: err...none
8) Music: lately- alternative
9) Phrase: "do not pass go" ? idk.

*~*H a v e Y o u E v e r *~*
1) Given anyone a bath: ha, i'm not sure if yourself counts. No.
2) Bungee jumped: no!!
3) Broken the law: technically
4) Made yourself throw-up: yeah
5) Ever been in love: ha! {to your answer}. Maybe.

*~*W h a t Y o u L o o k F o r I n B o y s *~*
1) boxers or pants? pants. lol, that's kind of an odd question...
2) long or short hair? eh, in between maybe. i don't care.
3) jewelry or none? don't care. not much tho.
4) keeps to himself or cant keep his hands of u? in between?
5) enjoys music? sure
6) artistic? maybe like drama and such.
7) different? different is always good.
8) watches porn? ha, I don't care.

*~* W h a t Y o u L o o k F o r I n G i r l s *~*
1) underwear or pants? both are usually good.
2) long or short hair? long
3) jewelry or none? jewelry
4) keeps to herself or cant keep her hands off u? wow, your answer to this one was very creepy. Umm...I think I'll stick with "keeps to herself"
5) enjoys music? sure...
6) artistic? sure...
7) different? sure...
8) watches porn? ha, you direct/film/and star in porn? Good to know.

*~* F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s *~*
1) Pizza or chocolate: eh, depends
2) How many people are you sending this to? none.
3) Who will send it back: ...
4) Gold or Silver? silver
5) What was the last film you saw? the movie theater? meet the fockers (yeah, forever ago). or was it star wars 3? Idk.

Blogger FRITZ said...

I can't believe I'm doing this...
1. Taken
2. Somewhere between 13 and 40
3. 05/24
4. Blonde. Naturally blonde. Very, VERY naturally blonde.
5. Eye color: Green like pea soup
6. Shoe Size: Not demure. Not petite. Not gargantuan.
7.Full Name: Theresa Elizabeth Anne Canonini St. Barbara of Seville Antonia Fritz
8. What I think about the person who sent this: Asshole. This is SO boring
1. Yes I have a boyfriend and he is not a sock monkey
2. No I do not have a girlfriend but I have many friends who are girls...BARON THIS IS SO LAME I HATE YOU
3.No, I'm not going to ANNOY the hell out of my friends with this stupid survey.

Fashion Shit
1. Favorite shop: Jesus, I have no money. i don't shop
2. Tattoos and peircings: multiple and multiple. We'll leave it at that.

1. No, I do not do drugs and when I did do drugs I did not do drugs and I have never used drugs while on the job. Never Ever ever. never.
2. I am most scared of the dog that lives next door. he is a big dog with slavering jaws and a penchant for gnawing on rodents and cats. He is a pit bull. His owner has braids in her hair, and they scare me,too. President Bush scares me. Some bugs scare me. The smell of the bathroom after my boyfriend has used it scares me. I am scared of becoming homeless and unloved. I am also afraid of all illnesses, as I am a hyperchondriac. This doesn't even begin to cover my fears.
3. Right now, I am listening to some woman yap about her daughter getting arrested; she is telling me that pregnant women should not go to jail. In the background, Ani DiFranco is humming. It's kind of poetic. Kind of.
4. I last called my mother to tell her I think my father is a jerk. They're married.
5. Married? ME? THINKING ABOUT MARRIAGE? Yeah, I am. I don't care...I wanna get married away from my family. Anywhere. Maybe the desert. Probably a stupid beach somewhere. Ooohhh..a goth club. That's so IT.
6. I don't have MSN contacts. THIS IS SO RETARDED.
Color: black. red. hot pink. THIS IS SO RETARDED.
Food: anything that doesn't breathe water and has red blood pumping through its veins.
And cherries.
Boy's Names: Screw Off Motherfucker, and Baron-this-is-so-lame
Girl's Names: Martha Focker
Subject: Kiss my ass, Baron.
Animals: Kodiak bears that will rip Baron in half
Sports: Indoor
Music: my music>Baron's music
Phrase: "Fuck you Baron for making me do this assholish survey"

1. No, dammit, I have never given anyone a bath. Well, I gave dying people sponge baths in the nursing home. But that was different. Because they were dying.
2. I have never bungee jumped but I have had a lot of dreams of falling. Does that count?
3.Broken the Law: Hell, yes.
4.Yes, I have made myself throw up but then they put me in the hospital and told me to eat a lot of Twinkies and now I am fat.
5. Yeah, I'm in love. Okay? So what. It's corny and awesome and it's all that I hoped for, especially after my imaginary boyfriend dumped me.
What You Look For In Boys *~*
1) boxers or pants? Yes
2) long or short hair? Bald.
3) jewelry or none? none.
4) keeps to himself or cant keep his hands of u? He'll get some if he plays his cards right. I don't like PDA
5) enjoys music? No shit, yes. I HATE YOU BARON
6) artistic? I hate you so much, Crush.
7) different? if you mean 'touches himself in public', yes. if you mean 'doesnt give me that look every time i come home with my shirt washed in blood', yes.
8) watches porn? Porn is boring and pointless. No.

What You Look For In Girls *~*

*~* F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s *~*
1) Pizza or chocolate: This is so lame. Who wrote this stupid thing? As if this question is going to solve any mysteries about people. Chocolate.
2) How many people are you sending this to? none, because it is lame and stupid and fruitless and only assholes guilt people into filling these things out.
3) Who will send it back: God, I hope I never see this again.
4) Gold or Silver? Platinum
5) What was the last film you saw? The one Baron saw, except he was the dude who got beat up and he got beat up by a bunch of girls like me and we were all, "SHUT UP, YOU FRIGGIN' MANIAC" and Baron was all, "Oh God, you girls are scary pretty!" And then he cringed as we all took his survey and ripped it into little bits and tossed them over his head and said, "Ha, ha, this survey sucks big time and if you cared at all, you would apologize now!" And Baron would beg for mercy but it would be too late, because the raccoons would come and eat his liver, and he would cry.

Blogger ☭CRUSH you. said...

That's awesome Fritz. I thought you weren't going to take it, then you did.

You do realize this was an optional thing, right? I mean, there was the possibility I'd cut you all, but that's not neccessarily deadly, it might end up just being flesh wounds all around.

Hahaha, yours was the best though. I apologize now, before my scary-pretty livering, because in all the movies I've seen where people lost internal organs they've also lost their ability to speak full sentences (always 'you have to... gksplt' this and 'i always... ssskgurggl ... you.' that, it's crazy).

Blogger Eric said...

1) Single or taken: Single. Assholes.
2) Your Age: 18
3) Birthday: June 6, 1887
4) Hair color: as undirty a brown as ever there could be
5) Eye color: an eerily luminescent crimson... like Satan, or black people
6) Shoe size: Tiny. Deer have larger feet than do I. I tend to fall over at the faintest gusts of wind.
7) Full name: Eric Alwine... er... Jeebus... eh... Tits McGee.
8) What do you think about the person who sent you this? Technically, nothing was sent to me, only forced upon me by threat of cutting. And he sucks.

*~* R e l a t i o n s h i p s *~*
1)Do you have a boyfriend? ... not that I'm aware of.
2)Do you have a girlfriend? I would say that I've more girlfriends than I do books, but unfortunately, I own books. So... fuck you.
3)Did you send this to your m8z? Hell no. Who fucking wrote this, a 12 year old Australian girl?

*~*F a s h i o n S t u f f *~*
1) What is your favorite shop? Excuse me, but shops have people.
2) Any tattoos or piercings and if so how many? My tattoos or piercings < your tattoos or piercings.

*~* T h e E x t r a S t u f f *~*
1) Do you do drugs: Not too much.
2) What are you most scared of: Lillian James Ravenwood
3) What are you listening to right now: "Dying Will Be the Death of Me", by Cephalic Carnage. Also, the obligatory screaming in my head.
4) Who was the last person you called? My poor, poor mother, so she could guilt-trip me. Apparently, religion and self-awareness have yet to instill in me a sufficient level of crippling self-loathing. ¡Thanks Mom!
5) Where do you want to get married? Chuck-E-Cheese!
6) How many MSN contacts do you have? Like, 543. And by 543, I mean absolutely none. MSN sucks anyway... go ahead and judge me, you bastard.

1) Colour: Black... dark, dark black. Black like my heart; wait, no... black like Evan's heart.
2) Food: ... alcohol. And babies. Let it be noted, as well, that every baby is a good baby when it comes to human consumption... let the dogs starve!
3) Boy's names: Eric. And maybe Balthazar, or perhaps even Gorhak. But mainly Eric.
4) Girls names: "slutty mcslutalot, whorey o'streethooker, tits mcgee, sexy bangsallnite, lady cunnilingus, anita dick, and alotta vagina." Agnes isn't a bad name either.
5) Subject: Laughing, Then Jumping Off Something 101
6) Animal: Herpes!
7) Sportz: I hate sports almost as much as I hate people who randomly put a "z" in the rightful place of an "s". But I do like Gatorade.
8) Music: Metal of many kinds, though particularly of the deathly variety. Needless to say, my music is by far > than your music.
9) Phrase: "I hope your children are deformed."

*~*H a v e Y o u E v e r *~*
1) Given anyone a bath: Yes.
2) Bungee jumped: Nah, I leave that to imbeciles and practicing nihilists.
3) Broken the law: YES. Fuck the law.
4) Made yourself throw-up: Well, I binge a lot... I just don't tend to purge.
5) Ever been in love: Wow... I love how casually they ask such a question.

*~*W h a t Y o u L o o k F o r I n B o y s *~*
Let it be known that I do NOT look for boys unless they are in possession of something I need, like money, information, or anal sex... er... food?

*~* W h a t Y o u L o o k F o r I n G i r l s *~*
1) underwear or pants? Unoriginal as this may sound, nothing... absolutely nothing.
2) long or short hair? Long. The whole "looking like a 12 year old boy with breasts" doesn't quite work for me.
3) jewelry or none? None. People with jewelry like to steal shit, like jewelry.
4) keeps to herself or cant keep her hands off u? Keeps to herself; if she can't keep her dirty little hands off of me, imagine who else she can't keep her hands off of. No one likes gonorrhea (... as far as I know).
5) enjoys music? Yes. People who don't enjoy music don't have souls, and that is a FACT.
6) artistic? Sure, as long as this art doesn't involve her getting gangbanged by a bunch of midgets and maybe a donkey while some Samoan dude with a lazy eye named "Stephen" (yeah, with the "ph" instead of the "v" and everything) films it with his cheap, stupid little digital camera so he can make copies of it and sell it as the local adult video store for really, really cheap, and then I buy it 'cause, hey, cheap porn, only to find out that she was given the "O'Reilly Factor" by some squinty-eyed little dwarf dressed like a Lephrechaun. Also, I'm not too fond of sculpting.
7) different? No, I want her to be EXACTLY the same as everyone else.
8) watches porn? No, porn is dirrrty, like Episcopalians.

*~* F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s *~*
1) Pizza or chocolate: Pizza. Chocolate gives you cancer.
2) How many people are you sending this to? Hey now, I don't hate anyone that much.
3) Who will send it back: ... this is a really hard question to answer.
4) Gold or Silver? Are you serious? Gold. Why the hell would anyone say silver?
5) What was the last film you saw? Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Fucking midgets...

Blogger ☭CRUSH you. said...

Oh, damn. Your response makes me stop and think; I guess I have the same number of girlfriends and books, not more of either.
Aww, your mother likes to guilt-trip you... it's just her way of saying 'ha ha, ive been stealing bits of your soul for the past 18 years of your life... quite possibly even longer than that, actually.'
Consider yourself judged on MSN. Judged poorly! Fuck. I could criticize you a lot better if I were more popular than you.
that's so nice! Your favorite color is my heart.
you gatorade drinking BASTARd. I hate gatorade! It tastes like water that's had rust sprinkled into it!
Love is a casual thing, because it's just a trick of the mind. It's like the boogeyman: if you don't beleive in it, it can't get you.
I like gonorrhea! I made up a whole post about how great it would be if I caught it, but then the computer crashed (as it so frequently does) and I was like "well fuck you too, computer! i'm not typing anything else about gonorrhea on you ever again!" but that was kind of a lie, it was more like "i'm not typing such a disturbing outpouring of emotions and dirty thoughts involving gonorrhea ever again, in the next few hours."
If you like music sometimes but then other times go for weeks without listening to it, does that mean your soul comes and goes?
I hate it when people with the name stephen try and make you say it steven! it's like they don't know how to pronounce their own damned name! ph = fffffff you freakin' idiots.
midgets are scary. they're short because god was all, "hey everyone! watch how little i can make a human!" but then he left out a bunch of shit like sanity and a soul.

Blogger LillianJamesRavenwood said...

Wow, I scare you more than anything else Eric?
At least my efforts were not in vain.

Blogger FRITZ said...

I'm an Episcopalian.

Blogger Eric said...

Eh, you're an Episcopalian? Sorry... you must be very dirrrty.
Don't hurt me though, I joke, I joke... ironically enough, I may very well soon start attending an Episcopalian church. Lord knows I'm dirrrty enough.
Also, Evan, you should know that I never lie. Ever. You bastard.


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