Monday, August 15, 2005

Why I love My Town

Because this is shit you need to know.
There is a stream - nay, a creek - which runs right on the edge of our city limits, where, when it gets hot enough, the rednecks will gather and shoot at fish, and hippies will lie naked in great numbers upon its rocky shores. And if you ever wanted mail, why, right in the middle of the Old Highway (a place where you only drive if you wish to be rammed repeatedly by semi's) is a federal post office, where they will sometimes give you some of your mail if you bribe them substantially. When one gets hungry, it's never too far a drive to the grocery store! ...except in this town. In this town, it's never too far a drive to the gas station! There is no grocery store here. You can buy everything from a 2-liter to a bag of chips, and a couple of the things in between. If it's a real cold day out, they even fire up the ol' cappuccino machine - and at 6$ a cup, that coffee tastes all the sweeter. But no, I'm lying, it'll still be the worst coffee you ever force down your throat. This can't be all there is to your town!, you must be thinking. Well no, it's not. There's also a feed store - because we all like animals, right? Well, not really. But there's a feed store anyways. There's also a trailer park! Filled with welfare-dependant drug addicts and pregnant pre-teens, this would be the perfect place to spend an afternoon, if you like getting attacked by drug-crazed Klanners and packs of flearidden feral cats who also just so happen to be rabid. But what about the children, you ask? What about the children? The children have an elementary school! It's incredibly downshodden, the teachers have a history of molesting children, and every school year there's another half-dozen little bodies to bury, but the only real difference between this school and any other is that it's surrounded by barbed cowfencing and a highway with a steep slope. It's as if, when making the school, the designers were saying to themselves, "Now let's make sure NOBODY walks off school grounds.... alive." But a town cannot survive on schools, gas stations and feed stores alone. We have other attractions, too. Like, we have a foundry! I like to tell children that if they're really bad, their parents will throw them into the smelting pots, but they know what I'm really saying is that I'll be the one to do it. We also have a shooting range. In a small town, there's not much to do besides kill your neighbors (or people that drive by your house). But we have to have real good aim to hit those damned sportscars... anyways, what I'm saying is that here is a good place to live. But I'm not going to tell you where here is, because you would lame it up.


Blogger LillianJamesRavenwood said...

Oh, I so know what town you're talking about. However, I'm confused as to how people could lame it up. I mean, it is all exciting and such but yeah...
I so go to that post office! But not often. But, I've never had a problem getting my mail there. Maybe they just don't like you. And I totally forgot there was a shooting range. Crazy.

Blogger FRITZ said...

Wow. What a wonderfully anti-cultured place to live. It is no wonder that such masterminds like yourself achieve a state of humane grace.
Get out, CRUSH. You're way too smart to stay in a place like that. It's going to suck your soul dry.

Blogger ☭CRUSH you. said...

Jen - People can lame anything up. Really. Any time you think something is as lame as it can get, there's someone out there striving with the best of their abilities to make it lamer - someone spending many a sleepless night laboring and tinkering, experimenting and testing, just giving their all to make the world a little more lame.
And how could you have forgotten about the shooting range?! probably let them just drive on by, don't you.

Fritz - I think it already sucked my soul dry (which would explain why my morals are so twisted and strange). But don't worry, my dubious IQ's not affected by my lack of culture; I've got an associate's of science, am a university junior in a month, and will be moving into 'the big city' in two weeks. And all this at the spry age of 88! I feel so productive with my life. Provided I'm not killed by a heart aneurism, spinal arthritis, or a drug-crazed nazi, my sarcasm could retain its pointy wit for at least 12 more years. At which point I will promptly die, because how lame would it be to live past 100?

Blogger FRITZ said...

Well, I'm glad. I was raised in big cities but as I got older, life started moving me into smaller, rural areas like what you describe.
It's really difficult to be wierd around people who are dumb.

Blogger ☭CRUSH you. said...

But I'm not weird, I'm a role model for normalicy to the zany, bush-votin', goat-humpin' countryside around here. The one who dares defy the out-of-town sheriff when he says "stop shooting at those kids", who rescues electronics from burning buildings and 'forgets' there were people in there too, who doesn't run when that crazy guy with the emus accidentally leaves his fence open and they go wild (although I probably should have, I don't think those scars are gonna go away).

Yes. No-one ever hassles me because I'm a role model. Fear has nothing to do with it.

Blogger Eric said...

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Blogger FRITZ said...

A. That orgish website made me sick but I still kept looking. Then I started crying. The one with the chick who died of the motorcycle accident scared me half to death. Was she even wearing a helmet?

B. Thanks for linking me, you hater.

C. Do you think my toe pics could make it on to that website?

Blogger ☭CRUSH you. said...

A. I bet that's a typo because Orgish is a slightly defunct freaky porn site... but I have no idea about any of Ogrish's pics, I only use the site when I want to make someone a postcard.

B. Don't make me link you twice.

C. I think they're looking for more gorey/newsworthy things, but there are a ton of fetish sites linked on Ogrish, I bet you could sell the pics to one of them. Especially if you doused your toes in like, used car oil or something.
Of course you could always try sending the pictures into ogrish and be all "I found this severed foot at my doorstep, I don't know what they did to the toe but it looks like it hurt. It was my sister's who I loved very much and she was killed by alkaida mobsters and they wouldn't put it on the news because my sister is black. But her feet are white. Because my father was white but my mother was black. Also if you don't post it the mobsters say they'll kill again. But if you do post it they say they'll turn to a life of peace and pacifism, ok?"

Blogger LillianJamesRavenwood said...

Wow, I don't know how long they've been there but I just realized you put links up. Ya know, Bill Clinton was so lying when he said he didn't have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. Now everyone's gonna be like "ooh, he's lying!" Yeah. But since you never lie maybe they'll believe you... =)

Blogger ☭CRUSH you. said...

I always tell the truth
anyone who says I lie is lying
so don't trust them!!!

Blogger Eric said...

Hey, at least you didn't get "this asshole thinks he's better than me". The foolish little ignoble... no respect for his superiors.

I see you brought your accordion... I command you to play it.

Blogger ☭CRUSH you. said...

Eric - You SO used a quote of me on myself!
And you are also not my superior, Sie verrückte niedrig-klassifizierte Einzelperson!

Blogger FRITZ said...

I think we all suffer from a little bit of a personality disorder...

Blogger ☭CRUSH you. said...

Well, except me of course.

Blogger FRITZ said...


That's good, Crush

Blogger ☭CRUSH you. said...

Heyyyy. What are you trying to imply? --I'll have you know, I'm considered by almost one person to be extremely well-balanced mentally, and I even fabricated an official document to that effect.


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