Thursday, September 29, 2005

Half-Naked Thursday

If you don't know what this is for, too bad. I'm not explaining it.

it's a collage, fuck yeah

This was constructed from pictures of parts of me. Aren't I pretty? icon is too part of me. I will not spell naked incorrectly, you fascist bastards.


Blogger FRITZ said...

I love this. This is really creative. And I also appreciate your integrity in spelling 'naked' correctly.
Very nice work, CRUSH you.
And I like you say your icon is part of your identity as well.
This is really something. Thanks.

Blogger ☭CRUSH you. said...

Haha. I have integrity.
you're welcome, I know you were curious as to what I looked like, so I finally posted a picture.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You look like a psychopath.

Blogger Beefy said...

I think you look better that way. And I don't know if I've ever seen you spell naked any other way... do you have a habit of doing that? And if so, why the hell do you do that? That's just wrong man.

Of course if you don't do that, then good job!

Blogger Eric said...

Anonymous #1:
That is because he is a psychopath.

Anonymous #2 (or maybe #1, 'cause it's hard to tell when fuckers post anonymously):
Gee, I wonder who you are... very clever comment, by the way; you sound incredibly intelligent. Your wording is brilliant, and the use of all capital letters is both innovative and effective. You sure make CRUSH look like an ass!
(eh... I just realized you're probably pretty slow... that stuff you see dripping from my words is "sarcasm")

Blogger ☭CRUSH you. said...

Ooo, I attracted fritz's anonymous!
Okay, anon 1) Really?! Thank you so much!
And anon 2) I prefer the title 'mentally challenged egomaniac', and normally would make fun of you for not knowing that already. But in the spirit of christmas, I'll let this one go.

Blogger FRITZ said...

You think it was the same one? Huh. I don't know.
Anonymous number one seems very nice, doesn't s/he?

Blogger Beefy said...

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Blogger Eric said...

I'll grant you that the first anonymous comment isn't particularly unpleasant, but it is still no proof that it wasn't the same anonymous person that posted both... maybe some guy came by and was like, "hey, that's cool, this guy looks like a psychopath," but then he thought about it for a while and realized "man, this guy is a pompous prick... fuck him," after which he came back to let CRUSH know his change of heart.

But, now that we know who posted the first, we can dismiss this scenario; it was at least plausible. Eh?

Blogger ☭CRUSH you. said...

haha. Yes, it was a good theory.


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