Monday, September 05, 2005

Stolen from fritz, spinning girl, and luna nina.

I wonder what a criminal profiler would have to say about this?

Head of household::sex
Business or pleasure::both
Officer::beating a black man


Blogger Beefy said...

I'd have to say that tomatoes aren't so much for me, but dog's like yogurt only if it's flavored.

Blogger FRITZ said...

Going to Hell, that's what I'd have to say.

Going to Hell.

Well, a profiler would be on to you about the sex thing. Maybe perversion?

Who knows? Are you back in school or something?

Blogger FRITZ said...

By the way:
I just got around to that whole posting issue with G_Samsa.

1. You kick serious ass
2. I have a liberal arts education and am completely useless in the consumptive capacity
3. You spell much better
4. I'm beginning to think g.samsa is a bit of an elitist
5. Man, I got a lot of responses on that one post.

Blogger ☭CRUSH you. said...

Beefy - Riiight... less ritalin, more mescaline?

Fritz - The sex makes sense. 'emotional whore' just fits together as an insult, the head of a household is one of two people who should be having sex in the house (kids oughtta move out first, and old people who might live with the family... well that's just creepy), divas are usually sluts or so I hear, where there's purebred royalty there's incest, and when people are buzzed they often have sexual encounters.
Not back for another 2 weeks. Which is lamme.

About g samsa - haha. I thought you were quiet about that 'cuz you were pissed.
1. He is so annoying, it hurts to read what he types.
2. Haha. The degree doesn't define the person, their intelligence, or even their ability to make money, unless you're g_samsa in which case it is your world.
3. Aw. And I don't even have a master's in latin american history, or a job as a technical writer and reporting analyst for an electric company.
4. Not just that he's an elitist, but also thinks he's in the elite caste. Grinds my nerves... he thinks he's so fantastic and he's SO STUPID. Can't read sarcasm for his life, either.
5. "See, on my blog, no one leaves like 21 comments, which is just asinine at that point, just get a chat room or email each other."

Blogger Beefy said...

Or more beer and smoke. I mean, I'll take whatever really.


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